Joey jones and greg gutfeld. It is 5:00 right here in new york city. Ththis is the five nearly 40 dae of silence leading up to 20inuts six total minutes of air time. In an interview last night for vice president harriirtimeviewsa running mate, tim walz, they sat down with cnnll for their first big media interview since replacing biden on the democratic ticketervieet. Harris claimed her values have not changed this when she was presses haved. D why she has done an about face on some major voter issues like fracking. Take a listen. Do you still want to ban fracking? no. And i made that clear on the debate stage 2020 thatwo i would not ban frackingno as vice president. I did not ban fracking. As president, i will not ban king, as inot ba back in 2024. Eo and i ve not changed that position, nor will i going forward. Change t or wii kept my word anp my word. What made you change that positio n at the time? well, let s be clear. My value let ss have not changec well,king harris, is fracking