in the face of this? crime is a complicated thing. it arises from many causes, of course, but in the case of lori lightfoot you can see exactly the result of policies that she has endorsed and put into place and people are dying as a result so how do you respond to that? what do you do? we have seen a number of my colleagues, a number of them, napolitano and others who continue the drum beat against lori lightfoot s bad policing policies, and those policies that negativelyue impacts the overall safety of our residents. and we will continue to see more and more stepping up to the plate, considering the fact that now her main policing policy is to overwork our officers. 12, 17 hours a day with no days off, driving them to literal exhaustion. in my belief, to force them into making a mistake that she can use to continueha her rhetoric d continue the politics of police bashing. tucker: it s a measure of how central safety is to people s lives that it absolutely transcends politics.
mike huckabee and juan williams cohost of the five. j is joe taken behind the gym and punch him. is that really the democrats best hope is to mark i like biden, of all the democrats is probably my favorite because he s kind of a gaffe automatic and he s o kind of funny. is that really the best hope? i hope so, i hope that s the best they vee got. i m like you i like joe biden i like him a lot. i think there s a difference between the joe biden and the hope that that s out there giving the heated rhetoric.d and there is the joe biden who is the serious legislator. let s be honest, joe biden has been a bridesmaid in the presidential campaigns to more weddings than liz taylor and larry king combine and yet he s never quite made it. he and mitt romney both share the aspiration to be president without the likelihood that it will ever happen.
modest democratic increase in the senate races in arkansas and louisiana. so it isn t clear to me there will and massive republican sweep. and i return to where i started. you have to give people a reason to vote for you. just aming up the rhetoric d just amping up the rhetoric and calling people names doesn t work. bill: speak of elects, in new york city yesterday jeb bush said he s thinking about running for president. that s the quote we have from this catholic charities event. it s not the first time he said he is thinking about it. i think he probably will run and he will be the main establishment figure which will cause chris christie some headaches. the problem for jeb bush is number one the name. his compelling argument is vote for me, i ll be the third bush president.