“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” -Albert Einstein
After a wide-ranging week here on Starts With A Bang, it's only fair to take a look at what conversations this has sparked among all of you, and to jump in where there's a good opportunity to add even more amazing stories about the Universe into the mix. In case you missed anything, this past week saw us cover the following topics:
Scientists have long speculated that there is organic salt on Mars, and NASA thinks that it has found a way to prove it.
The study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, indirectly points to the presence of organic salts using data from the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) a portable chemistry lab inside the Curiosity rover.
In order to confirm what the data is suggesting, the lead author of the paper, James MT Lewis, has suggested using the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument. The task is challenging because billions of years of radiation have erased or broken apart most organic matter.
The argument was made in a preprint study that had not been peer-reviewed in the May 2021 issue of the journal Advances in Microbiology. In it, researchers claimed that NASA rovers and Mars orbiters collected visual evidence of fungi on Mars a claim that has been widely contested by the broader scientific community.
In early May 2021, several authors of a preprint study published in the scientific journal Advances in Microbiology argued that photographs collected by NASA rovers and Mars orbiters showed evidence of what they believed could prove that fungi were found growing on the red planet. Soon after, headlines and social media chatter sprouted up, claiming that science had found mushrooms on Mars.
PolitiFact s ruling: False
Here s why: A group of scientists claims they have found proof of life in the form of fungi on Mars, according to a blog post and posts on social media. Scientists Claim to Spot Fungus Growing on Mars in NASA Rover Photos, read a Futurism article headline. MARS’ MAGIC MUSHROOMS Life on Mars shock claim as ‘growing FUNGI’ spotted in Mars Curiosity Rover snaps, read another in The Sun.
The articles point to a study published by a group of scientists titled, Fungi on Mars? Evidence of Growth and Behavior From Sequential Images.
The posts were flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.
May 08, 2021 01:51 PM EDT
If life is ever discovered on another planet it would likely be the biggest news of thousands of years, and you d anticipate the proof to be released in a highly distinguished journal like Science or Nature.
(Photo : Getty Images)
Mushrooms on Mars?
So, when a study that insists there are mushrooms growing on Mars appear in an unclear and largely doubted publication, you have to be very cynical.
A preprint of a new study came online earlier this week, with the scandalizing title Fungi on Mars? Evidence of Growth and Behavior From Sequential Images.
Sadly, the paper is ready for release in the journal Advances in Microbiology, which is included in the portfolio of Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP).