Jillian Rhae Maxwell
Jillian Rhae Maxwell, a student at Ole Miss, was crowned Miss Mississippi Collegiate America 2021 at the annual state pageant held December 6, 2020 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Maxwell will have the opportunity to travel the state promoting the pageant’s national platform, B.R.A.V.E.: Building Respect and Values for Everyone, a bullying prevention campaign. She will also be making public appearances and volunteering in community service activities.
A freshman at The University of Mississippi, Maxwell is studying Broadcast Journalism. She also plans to obtain a Masters in Marketing. Maxwell loves being an Ole Miss Rebel and has her sights set on being an entrepreneur and talk show host. She enjoys being involved in her sorority Alpha Phi, where she is on the executive council as the VP of Marketing. She is also looking forward to her position as an MPower Leader at MPower Extended Orientation this summer.