occasionally b somebody in powee will say something true and is swiftly punished for it canit s have that. it s infuriating to watch, but it s infur also, if you look at right, very amusing. these are not sophisticatedcate deceptions. this is not dwight eisenhowerd deg. thily plannin this is your five year old ambling in with frosting on hisy face to tell you he never touch the birthday cake. should that make you mad ?yo of course,ever toubirthday shou mad . but if you re human, you will also laugh at it. takeke? what?ha cake. it s hilarious.ow he the kid hares no idea how ridiculous he is . so with that spirit in mind,g to we re going to devote the next u hour to a special presentation on lying in american politics.la we re going to do our beststay to stay amused because that s ecause tmuch better than being t cod we re going to start with what could be the funniest lie of the year. vladimir putin blew russia s natural gas pipeline to europe. now, why would putin do somethin
murdered his own country s economy purely for dark thrill of doing it. that s evil. o it takes a bad man to declaren war against himself. next, putire wn will bar ae invg moscow. sto sory that was their story. the story that biid administration told us .ews and then every single news organization in the country a with no exceptions at all, backed up the lie. of course, putin did they lecture us , don t ask c questions or you are a russian agent. rfectl faere way s for a moment a perfectly united front of falsehoon of d on the question f what happened to nord stream. but it wasn t enough. the story was too absurdeven by to stand even by the standards of 2020 three . 2 anyway, we thought about it forf even a moment, realized that oof course vladimir putin didn trip blow up his own pipeline. why would he do that?blow the biden administration blew te up vladimir putin s pipeline. fa of course, joe biden himself wod had promised on camera that he would do it. and then biden officials public