Companies all over the country have been investigated and 4 thousand companies without licenses have been sealed. The activities without license, price fixing and fake transactions and receiving illegal and unconventional commission fees, including the violations of real estate offices, have been violators. To the two heads of the offenders who are most involved in the increase in housing prices it was reported that the minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, in a conversation with the foreign minister of armenia, expressed his satisfaction with the growing trend of the relations between the two countries , and amir abdollahian, also referring to the American Military exercise in armenia, considered the presence of Foreign Forces to be the cause of complicating the issues and said that regional mechanisms are the most effective. The way to solve the problems is the way to solve the problems. Ararat royan, the minister of Foreign Affairs of armenia, also considered any change of bor
Of afghanistan. It is with the Islamic Republic of iran, the deputy of the ministry of industry and trade of the taliban met and discussed with iranian businessmen and producers. In this meeting, maulawi Qadratullah Jamal said that economic progress can be achieved by countries that previously failed. In order to invest in afghanistan, ghazni, the minister of water and energy of the taliban talked to the minister of energy of the Islamic Republic of iran on the phone about the extension of the contract and imports from iran, based on the Information Published by the ministry of water and energy of the caretaker government of afghanistan mehrabian in this conversation assured about the extension of the contract and the solution of its problems, the following is the announcement , and the parties agreed that one of the afghans will travel to iran to discuss the issue of electricity and solving the related problems. The number of hosseini pilgrims was announced in the air sector, mr. Haja