The city of Lorain’s Safety Service director Sanford Washington has resigned and Mayor Jack Bradley has appointed outgoing Ward 6 Councilman Rey Carrion to fill the position. “I’m excited about bringing Rey Carrion on board,” Bradley said. “I know many people were disappointed that he was going to be leaving City Council, and now Rey […]
The Lorain City Council Buildings and Lands Committee has proposed legislation which if passed by the full Council, would add restrictions to owners of short term rentals due to a number of residential complaints about disruptive tenants as well as the increase in the number of rentals opening in the city.
In a unanimous vote at Lorain City Council's Nov. 6 meeting, council members shot down the idea of allowing a men's sober living facility to be built in the International City.
Lorain City officials increased the penalty for for landowners who are found to be in violation of of the property maintenance code. The City of Lorain’s Department of Building, Housing and Planning amended its codified ordinances pertaining to property maintenance code after several complaints regarding nuisance properties have continued to persist in the city. At […]