12 months ago. and june was the deadliest month on record for u.s. troops in more than two years. perhaps what is most shocking is the claims that a u.s. government contractor named an ham overcharged the pentagon and the american taxpayers for items like control switches and pvc pipe, sometimes 5,000% mark up, even 12,000 in one case. we sat down with the inspector general to get answers. this is an example of failed government oversight and excessive billings by the contractor. specifically, a study in weak subcontractor management and the failure to review invoices. we have an example of a pvc pipe that costs $1.41. the university is government was charged $80 for this, a
12 months ago. and june was the deadliest month on record for u.s. troops in more than two years. perhaps what is most shocking is the claims that a u.s. government contractor named an ham overcharged the pentagon and the american taxpayers for items like control switches and pvc pipe, sometimes 5,000% mark up, even 12,000 in one case. we sat down with the inspector general to get answers. this is an example of failed government oversight and excessive billings by the contractor. specifically, a study in weak subcontractor management and the failure to review invoices. we have an example of a pvc pipe that costs $1.41. the university is government was charged $80 for this, a