then he talked that bill to death. unusual here on capitol hill. lynn? all right, tracie potts there for us on capitol hill, thanks. congressman chris van hollen of maryland spoke to ed schultz last night and discussed what democrats are willing to give up if speaker john boehner accepts ending tax breaks for people making more than $250,000 a year. what the president has said is we need $1.6 trillion as part of an overall deficit reduction plan, because if you don t get those additional revenues, but you also try and reduce the deficit, you end up whacking everybody else much harder. and so, it s really important to have that revenue number as high as possible. sure. look, the president s already been clear, ed. on cuts, he will continue to implement over the next ten years over $1 trillion in cuts that he agreed to as part of the budget control act, 100% cuts. and at the time, he said we ve got to come back and do revenue.