The new CEO of the GPAA is readying the institution for its future – offering the best service to its clients wherever they are. She’s also using her clout to create more space and opportunity for women.
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) notes the 2023/24 Budget tabled in Parliament, today, by the Minister of Finance, Mr Enoch Godongwana. In 1969 at the Morogoro Conference, the ANC adopted an ANC Strategy and Tactics document that says; “Our drive towards national emancipation is therefore in a very real way bound up with economic emancipation… Our people are deprived of their due in the country’s wealth; their skills have been suppressed and poverty and starvation have been .
As part of its five-year fleet replacement programme, manufacturer of cat and dog food, Royal Canin South Africa, has taken delivery of 11 new electric forklifts from Goscor Lift Truck Company.