UNAIDS welcomes the announcement by Chile that it recognizes international responsibility for violating the rights of a woman living with HIV who was sterilized without her consent almost 20 years ago. The government has agreed a friendly settlement with the woman, Francisca, that includes the payment of reparations for the violation of her human rights. It has also committed
Over four consecutive years, no child in the eastern Caribbean country of Dominica was born with HIV, including in 2017 when, within two weeks, the island braved back-to-back hurricanes that ultimately damaged 90% of its infrastructure.
A mother participating in a sexual health workshop run by the Association Espoir pour Demain which helps women living with HIV to access treatment. Burkina Faso, February 2019. Credit: UNAIDS
Feature story
Less than 60% of pregnant women living with HIV in western and central Africa have access to services to stop vertical transmission of HIV
19 April 202119 April 202119 April 2021
There have been successes in the commitment to end vertical transmission of HIV (from mother to c
There have been successes in the commitment to end vertical transmission of HIV (from mother to child). For example, in eastern and southern Africa, 95% of pregnant women living with HIV received antiretroviral therapy to prevent vertical transmission of HIV in 2019.