An Even Greater Controversy
June 29, 2021
Maybe it s time to look again at the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 in the context of today s world, instead of the 1840s.
The Maginot Line has come to symbolize everything wrong with the Allied strategy in the years leading up to the Second World War. It represented a line of defense constructed along France’s border with Germany during the 1930s and named after Minister of War, André Maginot. Following the Armistice, France was obsessed with being ready for future wars and as the Weimar Republic began to rearm Germany in the late 1920s, the French government set to work constructing an enormous defensive barrier along its eastern border to deter invasion. It was to be called the Maginot Line, a 280-mile long network of concrete bunkers, pill boxes and underground casemates that certainly appeared formidable upon completion. But it would turn out that France’s gamble on fixed fortifications, menacing as they were, would prove d