both believed jim was done with the other and committed to them. he was playing us both for quite some time, trying to keep us both apart from each other. so there you are with peggy, and jim s not there. mm-hm. for how long? not long because i called the radio station and suggested he get home real fast. he stopped the show and came home. and peggy and i are sitting there on the couch. how did he look? not good. so what happens at that meeting? there was a lot of yelling. the two of you yelling at jim? or at each other? a little of both. i was yelling at her because she knew he was married. and she s saying, what? i was led to believe that there s nothing left of your marriage anymore. right, and it was like a knife in the heart. it was. and at that point, he needed to make a choice. and he said he was going to stay with me. josh mankiewicz: although, jean says, peggy agreed to leave them in peace and return to las vegas, a few weeks later she was back. this time, showing up unannounc
and committed to them. he was playing us both for quite some time, trying to keep us both apart from each other. so there you are with peggy, and jim s not there. mm-hm. for how long? not long because i called the radio station and suggested he get home real fast. he stopped the show and came home. and peggy and i are sitting there on the couch. how did he look? not good. so what happens at that meeting? there was a lot of yelling. the two of you yelling at jim? or at each other? a little of both. i was yelling at her because she knew he was married. and she s saying, what? i was led to believe that there s nothing left of your marriage anymore. right, and it was like a knife in the heart. it was. and at that point, he needed to make a choice. and he said he was going to stay with me. josh mankiewicz: although, jean says, peggy agreed to leave them in peace and return to las vegas, a few weeks later she was back. this time, showing up unannounced at a reunion gig for jim s old band, bu
there on the couch. how did he look? not good. so what happens at that meeting? there was a lot of yelling. the two of you yelling at jim or at each other? a little of both. i was yelling at her because she knew he was married. and she was saying there was nothing left of your marriage. it was a knife in the heart and at that point he needed to make a choice and he said he was going to stay with me. although jean says peggy agreed to leave them in peace and return to las vegas, a few weeks later she was back. this time showing up unannounced at a reunion gig for jim s old band, buck naked and the exhibitionists. hill says the moment he saw her face in the audience he knew it was trouble. trouble because shortly after returning to punta gorda jim huden had told him that peggy had helped him murder a man who reminded jim of someone he d known as a child. a man who who had allegedly beaten and abused jim s mother.
in 2009, after one of his horses won the kentucky derby, allen says he saw peggy quoted in the press. mark allen: well, she said she was done here training horses and breeding horses. [chuckles] peggy can t even step up on a horse. josh mankiewicz: coming up whatever happened to jim, the fugitive from justice, and his wife, jean? jean huden: i was getting ready to leave and not be able to come back to this country for the rest of my life. maybe you could have died in a shoot-out with him? yeah, exactly, you know, it probably would that s what would have happened because who knows, he probably would ve taken me out next. josh mankiewicz: torn between joining jim on the lam or turning him in, which will she choose? jean huden: you know, the man cost me everything i had. i ve spent every dime i had. i lost my house. i lost my livelihood. (voice breaking) i m sorry. josh mankiewicz: when dateline continues.
if you had had that information before you went to florida, you could have brought jim huden back in cuffs. you bet. instead, now you ve got the proof, and jim huden s nowhere to be found. instead, now you ve got the proof, and jim huden s nowhere to be found. josh mankiewic coming up with jim out of the picture, his lover, peggy thomas, needs a new man, a millionaire cowboy who s about to be taken for a wild ride. mark allen: she said, but i didn t have nothing to do with it. and i said, well, did you take a lie detector? she said, no, my lawyer told me not to. and i went, if you re innocent, why wouldn t you take a lie detector? and she never gave me a good answer. i looked in her eyes and i i mean, she is evil. josh mankiewicz: when dateline continues.