Scientists studied the microbiome of the Dafeng coastal salt marshes in Jiangsu, China. They identified more than 200 plastic-degrading fungi and bacteria, .
In nature, the skin of cephalopods (animals with tentacles attached to the head) exhibits unparalleled camouflage ability. Their skin contains pigment groups
Credit: Unsplash / CC0 Public Domain A recent analysis of published studies examined a wide range of interventions involving a case manager to help individu .
Credit: Shutterstock Women in abusive relationships are more likely to be unemployed and earn less money than women with non-abusive partners. This is among .
Source experimental setup - DI QRNG. (a) Entanglement source: Time-energy entangled photon pairs are generated from a Ti:PPLN waveguide pumped by a pulsed l .