Online stores give Sweden’s state booze monopoly a run for its money More Swedes are swopping the long queues at Systembolaget outlets for apps such as Vivino 11 March 2021 - 10:58 Colm Fulton Swedes queue to buy alcohol before the state-run alcohol monopoly closes for the weekend amid the Covid-19 pandemic in Stockholm, Sweden, on February 27 2021. Picture: REUTERS/COLM FULTON
Stockholm On a chilly Saturday in central Stockholm, about 150 people queue on a street, squinting into the low sun, checking their watches and hoping to make it into Systembolaget Sweden’s state alcohol monopoly before it shuts at 3pm.
“This is the last chance to buy alcohol before Monday,” says musician Calle Lehman as he stands in the ever-expanding line. “The big Saturday afternoon queue is a bit of a tradition.”
years had its own retail monopoly. voters voted to dismantle that and after we have been through one year. john: the critics said there will be more car accidents. that has not panned out few words you why related accidents or if the word tea way fatalities and under aged drinking is flat and this guy did not fall. john: california hired a company to run public park. today they charge the same fee as the state for camping to let them in but they pay the state do have the privilege. john: they were losing money now they re making money that people would say this cannot be because the company makes a profit. it makes a profit a and a saving money at the same time? that gives us is how inefficient the public