paycheck to paycheck. some are using credit cardse crt just to make ends meet for the bare necessities. now, the number one killer americ offentan young americans in this country is now fentanyl that is pouringh across the wide open. open so the border of joe biden now deaths are caused from drugdeats overdoses. now they re higher than ever before. oh, and don t forget, according to biden, we are now before. the closest we ve ever been toel a world wide nuclear armageddon. clost toe since the cuban missie crisis. but the economy is strongest,dwd heavily, he said, and there s no crisis at the border this fateful two year experimentg as with democrats in charge of hell an joeit has been unmitigated disaster. but according to joe , everything evejust just swell.hi great.take a and we should all be thanking wr him. take a looe stk. ws we re starting to seen th some of the good newseconomy. the price of gas at th on the economy. the price of gas apump it the p. is coming down. l
zapor zaporizhzhya. they run from the crimea peninsula, to the regions held by russia still after the last inv invasion. i think the bid is for ukraine to sever part of the resupply routes, the infrastructure for russia s infiltrinfiltration, w much of the counteroffensive is trying to push crimea off from the rest of ukraine. how successful these strikes will be, we don t know. russia is playing it down. and the ridges will be running off to the west. it s the pinpoint nature that will have russian officials
towards zaporizhzhia s western area near where i m standing. it is essentially the focus of this latest thrust of ukraine s counteroffensive. they want to move down to cut crimea off from the rest of russian-occupied territory. it s very slow going but the bid is these resupply routes can be cut by these pinpoint strikes. sometimes these attacks presage an uptick in ukrainian activity. unclear at this point. but it caps an awful 72 hours of tit for tat strikes going back and forth between ukraine admitting that some military targets were, indeed, hit in the last 24 hours. some perhaps by hypersonic missiles launched by russia and two significant drone attacks by ukraine on the water against a russian oil cargo ship, a russian amphibious assault ship.
208. that s 800 five seven six thirty two hundred and welcome to fox news live. i m lauren blanchot in washington. arizona is suing the federal government to keep more than one hundred shipping containers on its border with mexico. the state says the double stack containers fill in fencing gaps near yuma and are necessary to defend people living in the area from migrants illegally crossing the border. the double stacked shipping containers went up in august at the direction of the republican governor , doug ducey. and ukrainian forces are bombing russian positions in the occupied and illegally annexed southern kyrgyzstan region. the targets include resupply routes across a river. carson is a prime target for both sides because of its key industries and major riverport officials say the latest shelling killed at least four people, including two tv
a quarter to a third of the territory was given up by russia. they re in a very precarious position. for a number of months now, the resupply routes across bridges have been attacked by ukraine. we know the supply to the troops has been significantly hampered. they may consider being on that side of the river is no longer tenable. thank you so much. still ahead, a florida man behind bars tonight accused of using his son, a toddler, as a human shield during a confrontation with police. details next. yeyeah, i m really excited. alright, that sounds greatat. so i m making plans for right now.w. like going back to my roots and opening my own restaurant. start your plan today with a northwestern mutual financial advisor and spend your life living.