sources tell nbc news that he was found nearby a recycling plant, where he once worked, taking a look at the podium where hopefully we will be getting an update soon. but he was found near a recycling plant where he used to work. this is also nearby the river. this is where we had seen an exhaustive search effort. i mean, if you ve been watching the news the past two days of the search effort, it s been extensive. we re not just taking to the woods, they were looking at every single home, barn, every place where they think somebody could be hiding. not just checking it once, but multiple times. then of course, that river. the really took a look at that because that was where his vehicle was found. they noted in the trunk of the vehicle, the weapon they believed was used to carry out the attack was found in the trunk. then they were taken to the river, they were looking not just all around it, but they were using sonar devices. they had divers that were coming in from other
What is arbitrage? Generally, arbitrage is the simultaneous buying and selling of securities in different markets to exploit the difference in pricing. Specific to the.