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Everything You Need To Know About Drylands
The ubiquitous, un-trumpeted ecosystems that are critical to feeding the world
Restoring Africa’s Drylands: Accelerating Action on the Ground. Learn how to join here.
While we’re often confronted with images of tall-canopied rainforests being felled or waters plagued with plastic, the slow shrinkage and disappearance of low-lying grasses and shrubs in the world’s drier regions frequently fails to capture emotion, attention, funding and concern.
Posted date14/04/21
What’s in store for the largest drylands conference this year?
Africa’s drylands are the birthplace of some of the world’s most extraordinary civilizations and species, from ancient kingdoms to wild elephants to “miracle grains” like millet and sorghum but climate change has not been kind to these landscapes.
On 2-3 June 2021, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will host the first-ever digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again.
GLF Africa: Restoring Africa’s Drylands will be held just before the official launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which runs from 2021 to 2030.