surprised and perhaps your viewers will be surprised to find that i think the ata, american trucking association, and our member fleets, agree with a lot of her comments. the truck parking problems. the lack of flexibility in the rules that the government creates. the lack of a focus on driver training standards by the government. and a number of other things she said. but getting back to your question. yes, there are five elements to these new rules that we re here to talk about. and a it ta and the trucking industry at large support four of those five. and we can walk through those if you would like. but the one that we re concerned about is this restart restriction, which to desiree s point, actually takes flexibility away from the drivers, and we believe it raises risk, because it forces trucks and professional drivers into the early morning hours, the commuting hours, if you will. and that s a real problem from a safety standpoint. it sounds in terms of, you