The Nevada Department of Education is pleased to announce that Christy McGill, Director of the Office of Safe and Respectful Learning Environments, has been honored with the Change Maker Award from the National Alliance on Mental Health Western Nevada.
Carson City resident Tiffany O Day recently won $500 in gas cards as the first-place winner of Greater Nevada Credit Union s Laughing Gas Photo Facebook contest. The contest ran May 1 to June 12, a.
The annual Kiwanis of Sierra Nevada Yard Sale is being held this Friday and Saturday June 2-3, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Last year s fundraiser was incredibly successful for us. Quality donations from our membership are continuing to come in. Our members have been saving and collecting all year for this sale.
Bill seeks to interrupt school-to-prison pipeline fueled by expulsions and suspensions
Assembly member Selena Torres presented Assembly Bill 194 before the Senate Committee on Education Monday afternoon.
The bill is geared toward interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline by revising provisions relating to suspensions and expulsions in Nevada’s schools. It has the support of the Washoe County and Clark County Public Defenders’ Offices.
“The Clark County Public Defender’s Office and Washoe County Public Defender’s Office urge your support on AB 194. This bill will provide crucial due process protections to help break the school-to-prison pipeline,” John Piro of Clark County and Kendra Bertschy wrote to legislators in a March 23 letter.