Tudentcam. Org. Now marine corps deputy commandant Lieutenant General gary thomas on the Corps Readiness to respond to overseas conflicts and its modernization efforts. He spoke to a House Armed Services subcommittee today for about an hour. Good morning. This hear willing come to order. The subcommittee meets today it continue informing our members and the public about the ongoing readiness crisis that all of our military services find themselves in. Readiness includes many things. Such as end strength, training, and modernization. Mr. Turner today we will focus on how sequestration and years of continuing resolutions in our budgetary process have impacted the marine corps ability to modernize the current force to be ready and capable against current and emerging threats. We will have a similar hearing planned with the army next week. Id like to welcome our witness, the deputy commandant for programs and resources, United States marine corps. General toments, we thank you for your ser
And leadership with the commission and it is very special this is your first meeting. Copal housekeeping items before we begin. Cell phone silenced please. Invited speakers will be given 3 minutes to provide testimony. Members the public receive 2 minutes. There will be a bell that will sound ot30 seconds on the count down to zero and when your time is up there will be a double bell so ask you to please work within the parameter oz thf timelines. We are excited we have wonderful attendance this afternoon. We have a lot of good information and testimony to get through and want to be fair across dh board with everybody. At this point, will the clerk call the roll . Fuentes, present. Chair quenelley, here. Commissioner kong. Commissioner maldanado, here. Vice chair pause, here. Commissioner romanenko, here. Commissioner roy, here. Commissioner wang is excused and commissioner wong, here. The commission has a quorum. Thank you, clerk. Our first item of business is approval of the minutes f