I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised too use cellphones and pagers and Electronic Devices are prohibited. The chairman ordered the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible fort ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or soundproducing electronic device. A member of the public as up to three minutes to make Public Comments on each agenda item unless they are shorter period on any item. Item a Public Comments on not listed on the agenda. Are there any Public Comments. How are you doing. Michael regula gregory heavyt trucking. I just want to bring it to your guys attention. I was awarded a job with Granite Construction for a number of material, about 56, maybe 80,00, right. And when i got the paperwork back, they pushed a number back down to 1,000 tons which which strange when i called the company out on it he said he wou
All in favor, aye. I make a motion we dont reveal anything that we discussed in closed session. Second. All in favor. Aye. Thank you. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised too use cellphones and pagers and Electronic Devices are prohibited. The chairman ordered the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible fort ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or soundproducing electronic device. A member of the public as up to three minutes to make Public Comments on each agenda item unless they are shorter period on any item. Item a Public Comments on not listed on the agenda. Are there any Public Comments. How are you doing. Michael regula gregory heavyt trucking. I just want to bring it to your guys attention. I was awarded a job with Granite Construction for a number of material, about 56, maybe 80,00, right. And when i got t
School. Id like to take role at this time. role call . First up is general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, except the agenda items. With respect to agenda items, that will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. I had just the one speaker card. Its not me. [ laughter ] no, i know its not you. [ laughter ] its carvallo. Real quick, im from the San Francisco heritage. I just want to mention that the legacy business backlog right now is five months when a business applies to be a legacy business and theyre overwhelmed over there and i think rick could use some help. So any influence you might have to move resources to the office of Small Business to help with the legacy business program, you all know how popular it is, but we try to get a new Business Online and five months is pushing it. So thats all. Thank you for any help you might giv
Under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised too use cellphones and pagers and Electronic Devices are prohibited. The chairman ordered the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible fort ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or soundproducing electronic device. A member of the public as up to three minutes to make Public Comments on each agenda item unless they are shorter period on any item. Item a Public Comments on not listed on the agenda. Are there any Public Comments. How are you doing. Michael regula gregory heavyt trucking. I just want to bring it to your guys attention. I was awarded a job with Granite Construction for a number of material, about 56, maybe 80,00, right. And when i got the paperwork back, they pushed a number back down to 1,000 tons which which strange when i called the company out on it he said he would use me but he wasnt going to use me for the whole portion. He was going to bring in his team from the south bay.
Those who are joining this morning, doctor bianchi of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute for child health and develop, almost as long as the subcommittee on health, education, Human Services and related agencies. Doctor Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases. Doctor gary gibbons, director of the National Heart, lung and Blood Institute. Doctor sharpless of the National Cancer institute. And doctor dora volkow, welcome to all of you. Leader hoyer asked me to you have the nih coming . And he said this is one of the most remarkable hearings we have, thank you for the work you do and the differences you make in saving lives. At the start, let me touch on the matter of the coronavirus. I want to say thank you to the director, all the institutes. I want to say thank you to doctor fauci and say for Public Health experts, what, what you are doing on what is clearly a matter of National Importance and national urgency. We will be discussing the 2021 budget