almost a year-long project. probably next spring we ll roll it out with new outward facing messaging, logos, resource materials for our district offices. we re doing much more on social media now. so sba is not going to be the best-kept secret by the end of 2018. for people who complain about red tape around loans? cut it. when we come back in a year, do you think they re going to be complaining less? i think they will because through technology, we re absolutely making the application process much more streamlined and looking at combining some of those processes so that we re not, you start here and then you have to go to step number two and repeat a bunch of the questions that you already answered in step one. it s more along the lines of, you know, you can t advance to the next page until you ve answered all the questions on this page. just make the whole process much more streamlined. so we re working on it. working hard on it. well, thank you very much for all you do. we
sba, which has been almost a year-long project, probably next spring, we ll roll it out with new outward facing messaging logos, resource materials for our district offices, and we re doing much more on social media now. so sba s not going to be the best-kept secret by the end of 2018. for people who complain about red tape around loans? cut it. when we come back in a year do you think they re going to be complaining less? i think they will. because through technology we re absolutely making the application process much more streamlined. and looking at combining some of those processes so that we re not you start here, and then you have to go to step number two, and repeat a bunch of the questions that you already answered in step one. it s more along the lines of, you know, you can t advance to the next page until you ve answered all the questions on this page. and just make the whole process much more streamlined. so we re working on it. working hard on it. well, thank yo
the range they give you. so let s talk about how i use the definition. so if it is stippling, it is intermediate range. if it s intermediate range, it s stippling. let s just break that down a little bit more. okay. if it s not contact, then it s the next closest distance by your definition would be intermediate. yes. there s no such thing as close range. some people do that. in this case, some people will call close range. i don t do that because so you go from either contact to intermediate. yes. and in your mind, based upon the resource materials, intermediate can be from less than half an inch all the way
determined your range. i use the definition. so if it is stipling, it is intermediate range. intermediate range, it is stippling. let s break that down just a little bit more. okay. if it s not contact, it s the next closest distance, by your definition, would be intermediate. yes. there s no such thing as close range. some people do that. in this case, some people will call close range. but i i don t do that. because so you have either contact to intermediate. yes. and in your mind, based upon the resource materials, intermediate can be from less than half an inch? yeah. all the way out to four feet? yeah. less than 0.4 inch to four feet.
determined your range. i used the definition. so if it is stippling, it is in the intermediate rang. if it s in the intermediate range, it is stippling. let s just break that down just a little bit more. okay. if it s not contact, then it s the next closest distance, by your definition, would be intermediate? yes. there s no such thing as close range? some people do that. in this case, some people will call close range, but i don t do that. because so you go from either contact to intermediate? yes. in your mind, based upon the resource materials, intermediate can be from less than half an inch yes. all the way out to 4 feet. yes 0.4 inch to 4 feet, that s what i said in the