By Journal Staff The Revere Conservation Commission (ConsComm) held its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday evening (August 2) in the City Council Chambers. Chairperson John Shue and fellow commissioners Joseph LaValle, Robert Cassidy, Samantha Woodson, Nicholas Rudolph, and Brian Averbach were on hand for the meeting. The commission first took up three requests for determinations
HNTB Corporation, an infrastructure design firm that represents the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Highway Division, presented an Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation, or ANRAD, to the Bourne Conservation Commission
AMHERST A Springfield company that announced plans last spring to bring an advanced manufacturing and research and development facility to North Amherst is no longer considering the site.Rudy Vogel, managing principal of nuForj LLC, announced.
The Revere Conservation Commission held its monthly meeting last Wednesday and took action on a number of matters, including giving their approval to the next phases of the massive, mixed-use Suffolk Downs development. The commission also gave its approval to…Read more →
The Wanderer
Featherbed Solar Can Build Based on Current Rainfall Data
January 23, 2021
In its January 19 meeting, the Rochester Conservation Commission addressed a public hearing relating to the construction of a new solar array near Featherbed Lane. Eric Las, of Beals and Thomas Inc., who has been representing the project since its inception in February of last year, spoke with commission members about the project’s progress over the lengthy review process.
According to Las, nearly all of the peer-review comments provided by the commission’s independent reviewer had been addressed since Las spoke on the matter in November. Despite his progress, the conclusion of the review process hinged on a lack of consensus regarding which set of rainfall data should be used to determine the size of the required stormwater basin located on the site.