/PRNewswire/ Halper Sadeh LLP, an investor rights law firm, is investigating the following companies for potential violations of the federal securities laws.
Brokerages expect Resonant Inc. (NASDAQ:RESN – Get Rating) to post ($0.12) earnings per share (EPS) for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks reports. Two analysts have provided estimates for Resonant’s earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is ($0.14) and the highest is ($0.10). Resonant posted earnings per share of ($0.11) during the same quarter last year, which […]
/PRNewswire/ If you own shares in any of the companies listed above and would like to discuss our investigations or have any questions concerning this.
/PRNewswire/ If you own shares in any of the companies listed above and would like to discuss our investigations or have any questions concerning this.
/PRNewswire/ If you own shares in any of the companies listed above and would like to discuss our investigations or have any questions concerning this.