i think it is republicans who have taken this position are kind of trying to make the case that violence is bad but it is not trump s fault. if you need to blame someone you should blame the police that weren t out in force that day and i think this is kinzinger saying that doesn t make any sense. setting all of this aside none of this is about that. it is about whether someone who has been subpoenaed has to comply or be responsive to the subpoena. all right. we are keeping an eye on the tally of those who are voting in favor of this resolution. all of the democrats, 36 there, and seven republicans. we re working to get the list of those who have voted in favor of this. you remember there were ten democrats who voted in favor to convict or refer the articles of impeachment over to the senate for the second impeachment of president trump after the insurrection. let me come back to you on a legal point. there are the ten faces there.
guard. i thank the gentleman for yielding. don t let my side use the security posture as the straw man argument in this. the reality is that the equivalent of blaming the victim of a crime for the crime, and while it is important, that s not what we re here to talk about today. madam speaker, voting on a criminal contempt resolution is not the position we hoped to be in, but steve bannon went out of his way to earn this resolution before us, and now we must approve it. mr. bannon s willful disregard for the select committee subpoena demonstrates his utter contempt for the american people s right to know how the attacks on january 6 came about. he has advanced a ludicrous legal argument in support of his decision not to corroborate or comply, a decision that defies the rule of law and the american people. mr. bannon s actions put him in the center of the investigation surrounding january 6. his own words strongly suggest
acknowledge our vice chair, ms. cheney, for her leadership and partnership. there is no doubt in my mind that history will record her courage in stark relief. history will record what we all do today. we can be on the wrong side or the wrong side. i urge all my colleagues to make this vote. i yield back. pursuant to the rule, the previous question is ordered on the resolution. the question is on adoption of the resolution. all in favor say aye. aye. opposed, no. no. the ayes have it. madam speaker, i request a recorded vote. pursuant to section 3-s of house resolution 8, the yeas and
happens again. that was what they kind of kept hammering but for some reason they don t think that steve bannon though he telegraphed he did know something the day before january 6th should be called. you know, i think that it probably can t be easy to be congressman adam kinzinger or liz cheney today but i just want to play what adam kinzinger said about his republican colleagues. as a republican, don t let my side use the security posture as the straw man argument in this. the reality is that is the equivalent of blaming the victim of a crime for the crime. and while it is important, that s not what we re here to talk about today. madame speaker, voting on a criminal contempt resolution is not the position we hoped to be in but steve bannon went out of his way to earn this resolution before us and now we must approve it. your thoughts, margaret?
0 have. the question they ask is why were we so unprotected on january 6 and what has changed since then? getting to the bottom of those questions should be the top priority for all of us in this house. there are serious security vulnerabilities that have been not addressed by this house in 11 months after january 6, and this is what the majority has decided to spend its time on. holding a private citizen who wasn t even part of the administration at the time in contempt for refusing to comply with house democrat subpoenas? this is after more than 600 people have been arrested for their role in the tragedies we saw on january 6. when i get the article i would like to submit for the record, madam speaker, a reuters record talking to the fbi that there was no effort to overthrow the government on january 6. i will submit it once i get a copy of that. i did not bring it with me. but our job, again, is to secure this capitol. we ve never seen a breach like the one we saw that day. and it s