A landlord and a former tenant of a mobile home park are calling on the provincial government to revive an advisory committee that can address issues within these communities across Nova Scotia.
The latest consumer price index numbers show that rents in the province are rising faster than at any time since publicly available data collection began in 1979. Tenants point to problems with the provincial rent cap. Landlords say they're being squeezed by higher costs.
Some residents of a public housing building near Liverpool, N.S., say they are frustrated after months of murky brown tap water and they're questioning why they weren't told sooner that it contained high amounts of lead.
Halifax tenants of a landlord who claims to own more than 100 rental units received a notice that their leases are coming to an end. That strikes some as problematic—even if it’s entirely permissible by law.
A new survey among people sleeping rough in the Halifax area suggests the practices of renovictions and fixed-term leases are contributing to the rising number of unhoused people.