Reduced torque and drag, eliminating need for back-reaming
Provided better hole quality, with no spiraling
Drilled riserless and salt sections in single runs per section
Reduced drilling time by 60 percent in salt section
Completed first well in four sections
Improved productive drilling time by 56%
Reduced total well construction costs
In Brazil, the Halliburton Project Management technical team is continuously collaborating to optimize well construction and evaluation services in a giant pre-salt field for a major consortium. A contract in a challenging offshore exploratory area with water depths of around 2200 meters (7,218 feet) included performance incentive on minimum required rates of penetration (ROP) per section. Integrating solutions from cementing, coring, wireline, well testing, and Baroid teams to increase project performance and flawless execution were key aspects for the project’s success.