He was elected in june of 2018 and assumed his office in august 2018. He will make some opening remarks and then following that i will come up and preside over some questions and then have anybody here who wants to ask a question be able to do so. We will go until exactly 9 30. Everything is on the record, and so please when you do have a question standup, identify yourself, your affiliation and then ask a question, not a long statement. That would be appreciated, and one question per person would be appreciated. Okay, its my honor to do you introduce the president of colombia, president duque. Thank you so much. Good morning. Its a great pleasure for me to be here with you. I want to thank you, david, for your introduction. I want to welcome friends from different think tanks, former public servants, members of the International Development bank organizations. So my great purpose of this morning is to, in ten minutes, try to describe where is colombia heading to, and why its very impo
He worked at the development bank. He served as a special advisor. He was elected in june of 2018 and assumed his office in august 2018. He will make some opening remarks and then following that i will come up and preside over some questions and then have anybody here who wants to ask a question be able to do so. We will go until exactly 9 30. Everything is on the record, and so please when you do have a question standup, identify yourself, your affiliation and then ask a question, not a long statement. That would be appreciated, and one question per person would be appreciated. Okay, its my honor to do you introduce the president of colombia, president duque. Thank you so much. Good morning. Its a great pleasure for me to be here with you. I want to thank you, david, for your introduction. I want to welcome friends from different think tanks, former public servants, members of the International Development bank organizations. So my great purpose of this morning is to, in ten minutes,
President of colombia here as our special guest, president uk. Hes not pensively with washington, d. C. Hes been here for 14 years off and on and he got some of his graduate degrees here from American University and George Washington university. Hes trained as a lawyer and is working as well at the Interamerican Development bank where he served as a senior officer in the cultural area and also special advisor to the president of the bank on colombia. He was elected in june of 2018 and assumed his office in augus. He will make some opening remarks and then following that i will come up and preside over some questions and then have anybody here who wants to ask a question be able to do so. We will go and tell exactly 9 30. Everything is on the record, and so please when you do have a question standup, identify yourself, your affiliation and then asked the question, not a long statement. That would be appreciated, and one question per person would be appreciated. Okay, its my honor to do
Takes you behind the scenes of the Nonfiction Book Publishing Industry with insider interviews. Find all the podcasts by downloading the free app wherever you get your podcast and on the website. Im happy to welcome those of you that have made it in person as well as those joining online. We have a Great Program this evening. One of the most notorious pirates. Secretly aided and abetted her husband fighting alongside him and accusers and more remarkably still went on to live a successful and productive liferk as one of the most predominant. Telling the story is historian, journalist and author. She holds a doctoraten and masters as well as a masters in Business Administration from George Washington university. She spent the last 15 years conducting research on pilots and their wives and archives, washington, new york, rhode island and massachusetts from the Massachusetts Historical Society anyone who might be joining us forst the first time. We have been collecting and preserving and m
His talk today will be on what he calls the law of amplification. So its a very interesting talk because, you know, here at mit our motto is let us build technology and, obviously, that will solve all of the worlds problems. [laughter] and its kind of a heresy in some way to have this talk, and the talk is aptly named geek heresy rescuing social change from the cult of technology, something thats very interesting because it provokes, you know, important conversations. Technology is important, but its also important to think about what is the impact of the technology and how do we design the technology in the best way we can. So without further ado, i will introduce kentaro here. [applause] thank you for that introduction, and id like to thank the center as well as mit for hosting this and all of you for coming. So, you know, when you have a book titled geek heresy, i feel like i need to establish my geek credentials. [laughter] and in an mit audience, thats particularly difficult. I wa