ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Fifty years after the United States turned to the all-volunteer force, a group of Marines gathered to hear outside experts discuss how to man the force between now and 2040. The Marine Corps, like the other branches, faces a competitive recruiting environment, which it is trying to overcome with a variety of […]
divorce as their male comrades and they get divorced at higher rates than peers outside the military. possible reason? the pressures outside of the obligations to their country. the center for research on military organization notes that, quote, as the military increasingly treats women the same as it treats men in terms of their work expectations, society still expects them to fulfill their family roles. and that s not equally balanced between men and women. and these social problems can sometimes spiral into other serious issues. there s alcoholism, there s homelessness and also separation from the children that they love. the military isn t standing on the sidelines, instead, taking action with programs like strong bonds, an army program with the core mission of strengthening families to be prepared for deployments, relocations and/or tragic losses. pretty cool there. that s going to do it for me. i m thomas roberts. see you at the same time 11:00 a.m. eastern, every weekday morning