Dejesus present. Commissioner chan. Present. Commissioner kingsley. Present. Commissioner loftus. Here. You have a quorum and with us is the chief of police and ms. Frankel. Welcome to the january 8, 2014 Police Commission meeting and we have pretty much a packed agenda with a timely issue that will be discussed during the chiefs report but without further adieu lets start with approval of minutes line item one. Approval of the minutes for the dates so listed. Commissioners you have the minutes in the packets. Any changes or recommendations . Move to approve. Second. All in favor . Aye. Thank you. Please call the next line item. Item two. Item two general Public Comment. The public is welcome to address the commission on items not on the agenda tonight but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. The speakers shall address the comments to the commission as a whole and not to commissioners or to personnel. Under rules of order during Public Comment Neither Police or occ
Ms. Frankel. Welcome to the january 8, 2014 Police Commission meeting and we have pretty much a packed agenda with a timely issue that will be discussed during the chiefs report but without further adieu lets start with approval of minutes line item one. Approval of the minutes for the dates so listed. Commissioners you have the minutes in the packets. Any changes or recommendations . Move to approve. Second. All in favor . Aye. Thank you. Please call the next line item. Item two. Item two general Public Comment. The public is welcome to address the commission on items not on the agenda tonight but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. The speakers shall address the comments to the commission as a whole and not to commissioners or to personnel. Under rules of order during Public Comment Neither Police or occ commissioners are required to respond to the public but may provide a brief response. They should however refrain from entering into discussions with speakers d
Please turn off your electronic equipment because it tends to interfere with the equipment in the room. Lets say the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag to the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. President i would you like to call roll. President mazzucco. Present. Vice president truman. I think hes in route. En route. Commissioner marshall. En route. Commisioner dejesus present. Commissioner chan. Present. Commissioner kingsley. Present. Commissioner loftus. Here. You have a quorum and with us is the chief of police and ms. Frankel. Welcome to the january 8, 2014 Police Commission meeting and we have pretty much a packed agenda with a timely issue that will be discussed during the chiefs report but without further adieu lets start with approval of minutes line item one. Approval of the minutes for the dates so listed. Commissioners you have the minutes in the packet
Tends to interfere with the equipment in the room. Lets say the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag to the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. President i would you like to call roll. President mazzucco. Present. Vice president truman. I think hes in route. En route. Commissioner marshall. En route. Commisioner dejesus present. Commissioner chan. Present. Commissioner kingsley. Present. Commissioner loftus. Here. You have a quorum and with us is the chief of police and ms. Frankel. Welcome to the january 8, 2014 Police Commission meeting and we have pretty much a packed agenda with a timely issue that will be discussed during the chiefs report but without further adieu lets start with approval of minutes line item one. Approval of the minutes for the dates so listed. Commissioners you have the minutes in the packets. Any changes or recommendations . Move to approve.
Dejesus present. Commissioner chan. Present. Commissioner kingsley. Present. Commissioner loftus. Here. You have a quorum and with us is the chief of police and ms. Frankel. Welcome to the january 8, 2014 Police Commission meeting and we have pretty much a packed agenda with a timely issue that will be discussed during the chiefs report but without further adieu lets start with approval of minutes line item one. Approval of the minutes for the dates so listed. Commissioners you have the minutes in the packets. Any changes or recommendations . Move to approve. Second. All in favor . Aye. Thank you. Please call the next line item. Item two. Item two general Public Comment. The public is welcome to address the commission on items not on the agenda tonight but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. The speakers shall address the comments to the commission as a whole and not to commissioners or to personnel. Under rules of order during Public Comment Neither Police or occ