happening. geraldo: do you think with the pro-u.s. rescue benghazi day today that libya s worth our staying the course? well, obviously it is worth our trying to be involved in the middle east. i think part of the problem of this administration is that they have had a hands off approach in syria. they didn t do much when the iranians took to the streets and it took them awhile to get involved in libya. i wrote columns calling for u.s. support in libya before the president was able to make himself at least give some limited support. i think the problem is a lot of our friends, a a lot of the people in those countries who are moderates and i think in many places that is the majority of the population they feel that we cut and run when things get difficult and we are not good and loyola friend loyd so they risk their lives trying to stand for democracy. i think we should be more involved, not less involved.
geraldo: do you think with the pro-u.s. rescue benghazi day today that libya s worth our staying the course? well, obviously it is worth our trying to be involved in the middle east. i think part of the problem of this administration is that they have had a hands off approach in syria. they didn t do much when the iranians took to the streets and it took them awhile to get involved in libya. i wrote columns calling for u.s. support in libya before the president was able to make himself at least give some limited support. i think the problem is a lot of our friends, a a lot of the people in those countries who are moderates and i think in many places that is the majority of the population they feel that we cut and run when things get difficult and we are not good and loyola friend loyd so they risk their lives trying to stand for democracy. i think we should be more involved, not less involved. geraldo: jackie and
geraldo: pictures now of rescue benghazi day. is it worth it do you think? do you think the president s policies can be salvaged? the bigger problem, benghazi is really just a symptom of a larger problem and that is is that he woo are fighting islamist extremists around the world. the president hoped that he would go out and say nice words about the muslim reledge yan and be more conciliatory and put a little more distance between himself and israel and that ever would love us. that in fact has not happened. there are more antiamerican demonstrations going on now in the middle east than in any time in my lifetime. i think this is a bigger problem for the president and we were told by the president when was a candidate that the reason people hated us was because they hated george bush and his policies. well, they still hate us. and they are now burning barack
geraldo: pictures now of rescue benghazi day. is it worth it do you think? do you think the president s policies can be salvaged? the bigger problem, benghazi is really just a symptom of a larger problem and that is is that he woo are fighting islamist extremists around the world. the president hoped that he would go out and say nice words about the muslim reledge yan and be more conciliatory and put a little more distance between himself and israel and that ever would love us. that in fact has not happened. there are more antiamerican demonstrations going on now in the middle east than in any time in my lifetime. i think this is a bigger problem for the president and we were told by the president when was a candidate that the reason people hated us was because they hated george bush and his policies. well, they still hate us. and they are now burning barack
benghazi is free from threat of the libyan regime right now. they are hunkered down. it s a matter of time before gaddafi goes. bret: well, today, 30 minutes after nato jets pounded numerous location inside tripoli, they conducted 60 strikes that reportedly killed more than two dozen people. muammar gaddafi could be heard on statewide television, his voice, saying this. we are stronger than your missiles, stronger than your planes, the voice of the libyan people is louder than explosions. we will stay in our land dead or alive. this is on the day, of course, the president was asked about this. the operation there. back with the panel. charles, next steps? the next steps are the same steps. it looks as if there is not increase or change in the american role. clearly no appetite in the country to do that. the president got us in to the war. he was behind it. he talked about the obligation to rescue benghazi.