a council after a flood of res igs nations by high profile members in the wake of his response to charlottesville. high profile criticism of the response 21st fox chief executie james murdoch. in an e-mail he says what we watched last week in charlottesville and the reaction to it by the president of the united states concern all of us as americans and free people. james murdoch went on to say he and his wife will donate a million dollars to the anti-defamation leak. the apple ceo tim cook said he will donate a million dollars each to the anti-deafination league and the southern poverty law center. joining us is jeffy soddenfeld. he co-founded an institute as yale. good to see you. great to see you, again, it s
from the top that enemies are taken care of so to speak. that s the perception christie is trying to beat. he s having a problem about that because others are now coming forward saying that the governor has gone after them, the mayor of jersey city, second big eflt city in the state. released a statement saying after he told the governor s people he would not endorse him for re-election, he had six meetings with six cabinet level commissioners canceled suddenly within the hour. so this perception of him being vengeful is really going to dog him going forward. chuck todd, finally, the wildstein baroni resignations in december we asked that. he has not explained why he didn t ask them why they had resigned? why did he accept them if he thought nothing was wrong? exactly. we asked that question and i remember writing it in first read, how do you accept the res igs nations in you believe nothing went wrong?