event and it woun e far from the realmf expectati th tt may be canceled. in fact, talking to sources this that that s definitely in ense coidatn.bu psint obama, accordi to a white house official was briefed ovnit. he s very much focused on what happened in boston and moving forward trying to figure out who did this and why they did th. he was briefed overnight by his homend security adviser. s gngo be briefed this morning by his homeland security adviser alissa monaco, as well as the fbiecto rer elr. and wele waiting to see if he says something else in addition to his comments yesterday where he said that the u.s. will respond. we still do not know who did this, or why. and pelehouldn t jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. but, make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of ts. and we will find out who did this, we ll find out why they did this. any response any responsible