/PRNewswire/ Jama Software®, the leading requirements management and traceability solution provider, today announced the launch of the Jama Connect Advisor™.
Jama Software Applies NLP to Requirements Management with the Launch of Jama Software Requirements Advisor (BETA)
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PORTLAND, Ore., June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Jama Software, the leading requirements management solution provider, today announced the beta release of Jama Software® Requirements Advisor to improve requirements quality, the main source of negative product outcomes. This new offering analyzes requirements using Natural Language Processing to evaluate and improve the quality of the requirements utilized within the product development lifecycle resulting in improved product quality, reduced rework and accelerated time to market.
Well specified requirements are one of the most important aspects of successful product development programs. Organizations typically spend about 40-50% of effort on avoidable rework. In addition, finding and fixing a severe problem after delivery is often 100 times more expensiv