Chief U.S. District Judge William P. Johnson ruled that the state’s limits on how much political parties can contribute to political candidates and local political parties was unconstitutional but upheld other state campaign finance limits.
By Daniel J. Chacón, Santa Fe New Mexican |
February 8, 2021
Matthew LM Manning, left, and Colton Thompson of Madrid brought their guns to a January 2020 protest against the state s red-flag law. A bill in this year s session would expand the law, adding police to the list of those who can petition a judge to temporarily seize a person s firearms.
Gun legislation is a surefire way to rile people on both sides of the aisle.
Get ready for a spirited debate, New Mexico, because the first two measures pertaining to firearms in this year’s 60-day legislative session will be considered Tuesday by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee.