absolutely. dana: i asked the congressman scalise about this news this morning that adelson will give $30 million to the house republicans for their super pac. can the democrats keep pace with that? in some ways, if you have a money advantage is one thing. the democrats seem to have an enthusiasm advantage up to now. the democratic campaign committee has been able to outraise the national republican campaign committee. there never was a question that the republican super pacs would out-raise and out-spend us as democrats but you point out it does not make up for the energy and the momentum out there. i don t think there is any amount of money that can buy that. dana: so then are the democratic groups outside of the dccc, can they keep pace with the republican groups? i don t believe the democrat outside group will keep pace with the republican outside group. if my count is correct the republican outside super pacs already committed $1 billion to races across the country. most
people can t take it for granted, he wants his supporters to get out and work and they can t just depend on him, this needs to be done throughout the country. also today, the website began accepting payments for free kick-off events in chicago, los angeles and san francisco. tickets range from $25 for jen 44, what they re calling their youth organization, up to $2500 for seats for willie. yes, we can. mark halperin, he s going to raise a billion, plus outside money. a group to go against the republican outside group. a billion, that is more than bush and kerry raised together in 2004. it is. it is astronomical. take into account inflation. he says we don t want to start with flashy television ads, simple video. there will be a lot of flashy
it is. if you re looking to sell certain products, a good way to reach people. what kind of products? diapers. you re not supposed to say that. what do you think about her run? i think i m too close to it. 92 the first woman in his dad works for cnbc. i believe i left when she arrived. here goes the story again. i said i m too close to it. i was going to say nothing. now how about those huskies. here s what i will say. oh- what? stand by. what a great incredible group of producers who worked there. i worked with them seven years and three years before when i first started working at cnbc, great people, like a family, like a family and i hope they are taken care of. cris was asking, better than the ones you have here? let s go to sports. we don t want to hear the answer to that question.