THOMAS ELIAS Anyone who knows California well will realize that Palo Alto does not look much like nearby Mountain View. Or that Pasadena looks very little like its neighbor Altadena.
oy he’s a Jew and
oy his family was Holocausted so many times that
oy his father told him to
oy nevah be racist because racism leads to Holocaustings
Unfortunately, Dr. Katz who sounds like he looks like Professor Frink decided to take the position that many of the disparities in health care are poverty-based rather than race-based, and the medical community should approach those disparities with class- and income-centered solutions instead of racial ones.
Denying “structural racism”? Even Raoul Wallenberg wouldn’t be able to save
this Jew.
Making things worse, the nervous, neurotic Katz kept throwing in incomprehensible anecdotes, including one about a “brown-skinned African-American (?) colleague from Canada (??) who wondered why Americans identify by race instead of nationality (???) because in Canada no one cares about race (????).