Government should take every responsible measure to eliminatefraud, waste, and abuse. Historically, when executed well andpursued vigorously, initiatives to target fraud, waste, and abusehave improved defense management and incurred savings, but notallowed the Pentagon to substantially reduce its defense costs.Washington must focus on ensuring adequate budgets to field arobust military.
The number and cost of federal regulations increased substantially in 2015, as regulators continued to tighten restrictions on American businesses and individuals. The addition of 43 new major rules last year increased annual regulatory costs by more than $22 billion, bringing the total annual costs of Obama Administration rules to an astonishing $100 billon-plus in just seven years.
HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros's bold plan to introduce the benefitsof market competition into the troubled public housing industry hasbeen stymied in Congress by an alliance of moderate Republicans andliberal Democrats.
Federal, state, and local government agencies use military-grade hardware and tactics not only to deal with states of emergency for which they are well-suited, but also to conduct regulatory inspections for which they are not.