different. the big push has been for change. there s no particular person who has been out clearly in front. but people say that going into a presidential year, you can t waste a year, and the republican national committee needs to get back into the game of organizing, fund-raising. so the favorite so far is rance prievus. he s the wisconsin chairman and he has the best endorsement you can probably have. that s the nephew of haley barb barber, the mississippi governor who most think is the political vors in republican politics right now. that means he ll probably win. republicans just took pack the house, picked up a bunch of assets in the senate under michael steele s leadership. it seems counterintuitive that he would have to go. half of your statement is true. republicans had a great election. no evidence it s because of michael steele s leadership.
immoral for the federal government to take too much money from america. in the next year, the republicans will have to write a budget and the president proposes aed by deficit rediction plan this is so confusing. people turn it on a dime, mika. there s no parallels to this. well, i can t think of one except perhaps friday afternoon. you guys heard from him directly. thank you. thank you very much, mr. president. the agreement taken as a whole is, i believe, the best bipartisan agreement we can reach to help the largest number of americans and to maximize the chances that the economic recovery will accelerate and create more jobs and minimize the chances that it will slip back. and then, of course, mika, right after that, just fascinating. right after that, they went shoe
that s so cynical. just spitting out this story. okay. we ve got good must-reads. we ll start with charles crab hammer. stimulus. if obama had asked for a second stimulus directly, he would have been laughed out of town. stimulus was so reviled that the democrats banished the word from their lexicon throughout throughout the 2010 cam paper. very week post-election happened. obama got the republicans to offer to increase spending and cut taxes by 990 billion dollars over two years. two thirds of that is above and beyond extension of the bush tax cuts but includes your jemt national necessities such as windmill subsidies. the tax cuts have so cluttered this debate that the democrats have overlooked the fact that they ve got a trillion dollar in a second stimulus plan, and republicans, they re out of their minds too. they go, we win, we win, we win,
but this is all, as we ve been saying for a week, been funded by china. it s a nightmare for fiscal conservatives. the question is whether the president will lay out we have a short-term stimulus he will, he will, he will. i don t believe he will. let s guest past it. i disagree. he s going to get past it. i disagree. how could he not do it? how could this president and republica republic republicans who want to run it how could the congress is in danger of stalling. oh, really. have i heard that before? yes, we heard that. we heard it two years ago. oh. we d better hurry up and rush in to iraq because they re going to nuke us. exactly. let s add afghanistan too. when germans are faced with these decisions they actually get fiscally disciplined and
self-sustaining cycle of growth going forward. joe, i think what we all agree on at a minimum is the only way it makes sense if it makes any sense, and i think it does, is if you couple the short-term stimulus boost immediately following a plan agreed by both parties to cope with the immediate term and the long term coming out of the white house that the president plans to take on. i ve been hearing it for two years. i get it. it s nothing but words. okay. i ve heard it from republicans for a decade. exactly. and the bush people that mean it. the republicans on capitol hill that mean it. nancy pelosi told us in 2006 that she was going to. she oversaw the greatest deficit and increase than any speaker in u.s. people. barack obama s people have been saying if she really cares about the deficit, joe, just wait. mark halperin says wait till the election and he s going to take care of the deficit in december.