a useless language he says because the touch ours all speak russian anyway. the guy will store this for. the republic of tatarstan is not an independent state but the stone it is always and forever a part of russia of course not that it would all the symbols of state are nothing more than decoration it s a limitation. as some kind of state language is best to be abolished. it s. found us. a former deputy in russia s parliament disagrees and tirelessly. he s concerned russian ethno nationalism is undermining the stability of the vast multi-ethnic country. he thinks russia will only remain a strong country when its many different ethnic groups and nations enjoy cultural autonomy. i m not worried that our target our language
were public lost and special status the tarsa always been viewed as autonomy as in russia and that independent streak has not gone unnoticed in moscow a year ago president vladimir putin demanded that schools in tatarstan only teach russian as a required language no more tar the decree came as a shock to the tars. law of is the chairman of the society of the russian culture of tatarstan he thinks the touch ours have too many rights and there republic which could lead them to split off from russia. tar is a useless language he says because the tars all speak russian anyway. the guy will store was for. the republic of tatarstan is not an independent state but the stone it is always and forever a part of russia. all the symbols of state are nothing more than decoration it s
risen to one hundred and last. publish markoff is proud of the diversity in his home country russia home to almost two hundred ethnic groups with all their different cultures traditions and languages shmuck of is school principal in the autonomy s republic of tatarstan and hear people speak tata many now say that language is threatened because moscow has pushed through laws making russian the official language also in schools in tatarstan they criticize this as an infringement on their rights as an ethnic minority and publish markoff doesn t want to dance to the kremlin student. yes they get that. these are the sounds of touch are learning the language through song as how the ethnic ta-ta or les son got to have a teacher said to her primary school students that these touch our children can still learn their native language is thanks to the school principal of he has
risen to one hundred and last i would say publish markoff is proud of the diversity in his home country russia home to almost two hundred ethnic groups with all their different cultures traditions and languages shmuck of school principal and the economist republic of tatarstan and hear people speak tata many now say that language is threatened because moscow has pushed through laws making russian the official language also in schools in tatarstan they criticize this as an infringement on their rights as an ethnic minority and publish knockoff doesn t want to dance to the kremlin. yes they get that. these are the sounds of touch are learning the language through song as how the ethnic lay sankari of a teacher said to her primary school students that these touch our children can still learn their native language is thanks to the school principal of he has
cause we take you behind the scenes at some of the continent s top restaurants today our journey leads us to the republic of tatarstan in russia chasm is the region s capital and also one of eleven host cities at the world cup in fact germany will play south korea then next week the players may discover the dessert shock shock is a firm fixture in tacet cuisine let s get a taste of the dish and the local culture. various cultures and religions makes in the capital of tatarstan. almost five hundred years ago russians are ivan the terrible conquered carnate of cousins but the task here has managed to retain their identity through their language their culture and their cuisine. makes dishes are typical for the cuisine of