luther king jr. day. other democrats are making stops of their own. congressman beato o rour beto o rourke kicking off a road trip and julian castro will announce and senator elizabeth warren in new hampshire. let s start with the gentle lady from hawaii. this is david on how these would be candidates approach this. they won t say yes until they say yes. a, why? b, she is somebody who has been really problematic. she defended assad. she wrote an op-ed literally taking on democrats for having criticisms of the knights of columbus and me as a reproductive rights activist.
reporter: sandra fluke, by the way, the reason she spoke here is she was not allowed also she s a georgetown student as well as a reproductive rights activist, and she was not allowed to speak at the republicans hearing, o she was the only speaker at nancy pelosi s hearing. she attended georgetown for its quality education, but she also expected the school to accommodate students who do not share catholics beliefs on birth control, and on top of that she did some research. listen. without insurance coverage contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. for a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships that s practically an entire summer s salary. 40% of the female students at georgetown law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy. of course, catholics say the president s mandate is wrong, but critics used her statement