Florida Governor Ron DeSantis escalated a dispute with Walt Disney Co. by asking the state’s legislature to consider the termination of special privileges the…
Will provide significant and ongoing funding
The approval of the specialty state park license plate is huge and will provide significant and ongoing funding to enable us to protect and preserve the nation’s best state park system.” Julia Gill WoodwardTALLAHASSEE, FL, UNITED STATES, April 30, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ The Florida State Parks Foundation today applauded the Legislature’s decision to authorize a specialty license plate for Florida’s award-winning state parks. “Thanks to overwhelming bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate, the Florida State Park specialty license plate is one step away from being a reality”, said Foundation President Gil Ziffer. “It is extremely unusual for an enabling bill like this to go through in just one legislative session but that demonstrates how much support it had in both chambers,” he said.