and transportation. we ll give you that coming up. buout first, the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan, and congressmajudiciarn mac gag, they will be here in a moment with more on today s explosive hearing on capitol hill with the fbi director,bi chris wray, who should be fired and under both wrachris wry, his predecessor, jim comey. mr. higher honord under , the ws once premiere law enforcement agency, has now sadly been has b transformed into nothing short of an arm of the democratic party. cratic. the bume politicized they ve become weaponized. the bureau is now rotting from the torep down with extreme political bias and based on race non-answers cavalier attitude today. oh, he seems that he doesn te really care at all. now, it s now well-established that the fbi whed that puts cins on the scales of the lastr two presidents elections in our countrcountry.y in 2016. after detailing a litany of serious top secret classified information all over server. thr ther
but chris way. right. doesn s doesn sm tot seem to cs doing nothing to right this ship. no one has been held accountable for perpetuating the russia hoax. no ia held accountable for the litany of abuses detailed ac the durham report d. no one in the fbi held accountable for the security failures on januarcoe secuy sixh with actionable intelligence. no one held accountable forthe defrauding the fisa court. in fact, abuse is stillon apparently taking place on a massive scale. take a look how many illegal pfizer queries have occurred under your leadership of the fbrshii. well, there are reports that have come out with different numbers about compliance incidents. more than a million illegal ones, because that s what the inspector general, i the inspector general said, that in the 3.4 million ofore tn these queries, more than a million were in error. do you have any basis to disagree with that assessment by the inspector general? i m no with that?t i m not sure. actually, that s a corr