RSP Aussie Broadband has contracted Telstra Wholesale to provide it with backhaul capacity between 42 NBN POIs and data centres in the remaining areas.
how is your. it was suggested state after state moralal wine. boast say it was unencumbered by medicine. we can t do that raising our pois. that s 8 . donna, i certainly hope so. what this all demonstrated, by wheem is. this take on a ln. our colleagues are those, of course, that many of our celebrate a narcotic of all of this.
a sort of economic populism. i wonder david mentioning again those rural counties, those rural counties in coal country kentucky they are painted blue tonight. does that have something to do, you think, bevin and medicaid expansion. that b was one of the major pois of contention in his governorship. steve, this is a classic. go back to the early history of this state. this is a border state. this is a state you go through the union wars, the harlan county war in southeastern kentucky. now that place is a hugely republican area. even tonight you look at the margins there, you re talking about something like 75/25, republican, but it was the place the strike breakers came in against the coal miners and the union organizers. a state with a hugely volatile political history over the years and definitely one where there s absolutely been a populism running through its veins for many years that was democratic at one point then republican at another, and i think you re
those who with us are going to be on the right side of politics, but more importantly the right side of history if it s about trump. and if he s not in office, it will still be about his policies. it will be about what he s done to bring harm to this society. he cannot escape what will happen even happen. even if he leaves office, his record will be a part of the election. what he s done to the affordable care act in terms of pre-existing conditions being questionable now, persons have to go onto koprcobra, so my pois this is going to be about trump whether he s on the ballot or not. all right. we re out of time. certainly gun control is certainly part of that real concern here in texas with the shootings, the mass killings here. congressman al green, thank you for being with us. thank you. coming up, my interview with presidential candidate senator kamala harris. be right back. introducing the first of its kind lexus ux and ux f sport.
adevelop thed of well launch. apple and google screen savior these are tiny steps of what needs to happen. apple is almost like the government. if they wanted to, their business model is not maximizing how much you are hooked to your phone. they just have to get you to buy it every two years and they could change the design to be more like a g.p.s. that is just taking you out into the world to the next life experience. if you think about it-like the pointer much the g.p.s. isn t to addict you. sitting there fiddling it or taking you some where you wanted to go. tucker: it s a tool. technology should be about that. it can actually be a g.p.s. for our lives. we are identifies laft you had it can help us makes easier pois. make it easy to set that up. easiest choice to make is keep scrolling infinitely