and my enough conservative speakers to deny him speakership. but to be sure, they have tackled spending with an abandon a focus and determination to get spending under control. that is all they have an opportunity to do through this reparations process. griff: that will be something to watch. who will the speaker be? thank you very much. have a great weekend. you too, griff, thanks. speak to the fox weather forecast, good morning, adam. trekking a little bit of rain on the eastern half of the country but warmer temperatures as we look early this morning the 50s, 50 degrees new york city 53 dallas, big cold front stretching across the middle of the country and as soon as you hit that temperatures drop drastically to the west. 50 degrees in denver, but everything off the eastern side of the country where we see showers stretching again from texas where we see the warm air wrapping up the east coast. it will be a soggy day for most