After a federal appeals court rejected a California church s request for a temporary restraining order against the state s ban on worship gatherings, the church is now taking its case to the U S Supreme Court
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On May 25, 2021, Alberta released its Open for Summer Plan (Opening Plan), which eases COVID-19 restrictions in three stages. Each stage is reached as COVID-19 vaccination targets are reached and hospitalizations decline.
Stage 1 (entered on June 1)
Alberta’s Stage 1 reopening commenced on June 1. The target for entering Stage 1 was:
Two weeks after 50% of Albertans age 12+ (born in 2009 or earlier) received at least one vaccine dose, and
When hospitalizations were below 800 and declining.
In Stage 1, distancing and masking requirements remain in effect.
Activities and capacity levels at Stage 1 include:
Outdoor social gatherings – up to 10 people (indoor social gatherings still not permitted)
New York to alter mask guidelines for schools Monday
and last updated 2021-06-04 16:52:27-04
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) â New York announced it plans to alter mask guidelines for schools on Monday.
New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker issued a letter to CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky about the state s concern over the consistency of the CDC guidance on mask wearing between schools and summer camps.
For K-12 schools the CDC currently recommends a requirement for âconsistent and correct use of well-fitting face masks with proper filtration by all students, teachers, and staff . Zucker says it does not make a distinction between indoors versus outdoors and does not address those who are vaccinated.