A property management company has apologised after warning tenants termination season is approaching.
The email, sent out by The Rent Shop s Dunedin office, also urged tenants on a budget to prioritise rent over buying Christmas presents so staff members holidays wouldn t be ruined. Christmas time is. known in property management circles as termination season , as so many people choose to use their rental payments for Christmas spending instead of ensuring that accommodation for them and their family remains top priority over this period, the email, obtained by Newshub, read. We see so many tenants get behind, and then not be able to catch up. We then have a difficult time with the unfortunate job of having to remove and terminate these tenants from their properties. It is not pleasant at all, and we can only enjoy our Christmas less because of this.
“We see so many tenants get behind, and then not be able to catch up,” the email said. “We then have a difficult time with the unfortunate job of having to remove and terminate these tenants from their properties. “It is not pleasant at all, and we can only enjoy our Christmas less because of this.” The message angered a tenant, who said the company had assumed people spent their rent money on presents or holidays.
hamish mcneilly/Stuff
The Rent Shop s office in Dunedin. “It came across as a really passive-aggressive threat to the tenants, and I think it is sad they have such an obviously dim and disdainful view of the people who rent their properties.”