Dependant Relative Credit
Home Renovation Incentive and Rent Relief (both have now been phased out but can still be claimed for retrospectively in certain circumstances)
Speaking of the findings, Marian Ryan, Consumer Tax Manager of commented: The usual suspects of tax credits for medical and dental expenses, Flat Rate Expenses, and tuition fees dominated refunds yet again, but we would expect to see some change in this in 2021, as more people avail of the eWorker relief and perhaps take part in the Stay and Spend Scheme. Claiming your tax refund is one of the easiest ways to provide a welcome boost to the coffers, particularly facing into a new year.
Tax Refund Checklist for Irish Workers
Only 5% of employers of Ireland’s remote workforce are paying the tax-free expense of €3.20 per day. This is according to a recent survey from in which 600 people, currently working from home, were asked if their employer is in a position to pay this additional income. The low numbers have prompted the tax experts to call on the thousands of people who now find themselves working from their home office, kitchen table or indeed their bedroom to ensure they claim the e-workers tax relief for which they are eligible, while at the same time, using the opportunity to claim any other reliefs they may be owed from the past 4 years.