Carpenter would normally play here but since concerts and large gatherings are still restricted due to code 19 cover decided to bring his music to the people so he loaded his organ onto a truck and he drove it to care facilities around the city the result was a surprise enjoyed by everyone. Covering the conference or has been cold the company of the organ. During the weeks of crisis become clear to the coast when 1st concert all. Soldiers go into the courtyard of a Senior Citizens home instead. To suck locations of his appearances kept under wraps so the room people. The mini concert only lose 20 minutes then comes the finale. Cameron carpenter is here to give people a bit of enjoyment in this time of coronavirus lockdown. But also a message. For classical musicians you know we spend our whole lives and our work not only studying the great works on the technique of our instrument but also learning what that music means and how to make it mean something to a person whos sitting just a f